This tutorial focuses on the practical aspects of preparing a QEMU system to debug the kernel with GDB.

The main goal of this tutorial is to quickly prepare a system for debugging:

  • In order to debug the kernel is necessary to keep the build root locally. Because of that, this tutoral focus on how to build a minimal kernel image that can be compiled in a few minutes.
  • Since the focus is the kernel, this tutorial makes use of pre-generated rootfs images to simplify the process.

Compiling a small kernel

Using the default config as base:

make alldefconfig

Enable serial console and init ram disk:

make menuconfig

Search for the following configs and enable them:


Use / to search for the config and type the corresponding number to go to the desired entry.

Enable better KVM support:

make kvmconfig

Compile the kernel:

time make -j"$(getconf _NPROCESSORS_ONLN)"

For x86, the kernel image will located at arch/x86/boot/bzImage.

Obtaining the pre-generated rootfs image

Download the correspondent system image for your architecture from this link and decompress it. The rootfs image is located at system-image-x86_64/rootfs.cpio.gz.

Starting a virtual machine

The more basic command to start a VM is:

qemu-system-x86_64 -enable-kvm -s \
    -kernel ./arch/x86_64/boot/bzImage \
    -initrd ./rootfs.cpio.gz -nographic \
    -append 'console=ttyS0'

-s tells QEMU to start a GDB server on port 1234. -S can be appended to pause the VM before starting to run.

The virtual machine should start with console output.

Use Ctrl-a c to access the QEMU monitor console. Type quit from the monitor console to finish the VM or Ctrl-a c to return to the VM console.

In order to share a directory from host with the VM (which might be useful for testing out-of-tree modules), append the following arguments:

    -fsdev local,security_model=passthrough,id=fsdev-root,path="$DIR",readonly \
    -device virtio-9p-pci,id=fs-root,fsdev=fsdev-root,mount_tag=share

Replacing $DIR with the path to the directory to be shared.

Mount the tag share inside the guest:

mount -t 9p share /mnt -o trans=virtio,version=9p2000.u

Debugging the kernel

Enable auto-loading of GDB scripts:

echo "add-auto-load-safe-path $HOME" >> ~/.gdbinit

Start gdb:

gdb ./vmlinux

Attach to the VM:

target remote :1234

Load main kernel symbols:


Set a breakpoint:

b <some point>

And continue:


Use Ctrl-x Ctrl-a to switch to tui and follow the source code.

  1. Kernel documentation - Debugging kernel and modules via gdb. This page provides details about the main aspects of debugging the kernel with GDB.
  2. Pool of machine images and toolchains. That’s a good place to obtain pre-generated rootfs images for several architectures.
  3. How to Build A Custom Linux Kernel For Qemu. A good tutorial to build a small kernel to use with QEMU/KVM.
  4. Network lab with QEMU. Tutorial that covers kernel debugging using qemu.

To do

  1. How to generate your own rootfs image.